The summer camp should take place in July in Český ráj – a beautiful region in northern part of Bohemia (in comparison with the socially excluded areas in industrial city). The conception of the camp is in harmony with our vision and general goals. We encourage cooperation between children, we try to provide them with simulations of the world of elderly – with many of its dilemmas and difficult decision making. Overall, the camp should empower the kids with a positive experience regarding their decision making, it should develop their social skills and teach them the values of cooperation and education.

Since they do not have many opportunities to leave the city limits of Pilsen, we would love to take 20 kids from disadvantaged families we work with to the beautiful site in Český ráj.


This time we could not fall back on the donations like last year. The full-range program of our eighth summer camp is thus in danger. You can help us by sending any amount of financial means.

Target sum is 120 000 czech crowns, we already have 75 000 (25 000 was donated by the local municipality).

In case you consider donating,

the IBAN is CZ75 0300 0000 0001 8569

Or you can donate here:

And let the kids out!

For more information, feel free to contact us on:


For the eigth time in our history we would like to arrange a week long summer camp for those kids we work with in the education support programs during the school year. Each time, the program of the whole week is divided into two lines. The first line is “The Story”. Once we were the settlers discovering the New World peacefully, other times we were taking a journey around the world or used the time machine and found ourselves in different epochs each day. The second line reminds us that we are not dreaming and it can be called “The Game”. It is a simulation of the world of adults. Through various activities children are given the basic ideas about how to get a job and what is needed (for example via “job interview”). Each kid has to choose from the camp job/camp role which should be carried out each day. Thus we have a journalist, porters, chef assistants and others who keep the place going. Each day each kid is given camp salary but when doubts arise concerning the quality of work, it can lead to the lay off. Thanks to the salary (“special camp currency”), the children can “buy” some sweets or little things the last evening. Both lines are focused on the themes and values like cooperation and education. Huge benefit is the sole fact that the children living in poor city areas will leave the city limits at least for a week. From our experience we know that these few days are a thing for them.


SPOLEČNOST TADY A TEĎ, o.p.s. is an NGO located in Pilsen, Czech republic. Since 2004 it has been working with poor, socially disadvantaged and often also ethnically stigmatised  families with children. Our vision is to help those people break free from the barriers leading to pitfalls in education and also failures on the job market and dependency on social security system respectively.